Through the Psychic gift of Elwood Babbitt
Wisdom From the Master Forces is a gift of spiritual essence rarely seen. The information, brought through the mediumship of Elwood Babbitt in the 1990’s, is the last effort of his remarkable works.

Voices of Spirit
Through the Psychic Experience of Elwood Babbitt
by Charles Hapgood
In Voices of Spirit, Charles Hapgood discusses fifteen years of work with Elwood Babbitt. He relates the phenomenon of trance mediums to recent research in parapsychology and examines Babbitt’s mediumship in depth.

The God Within: A Testament of Vishnu
by Elwood Babbitt
[This] is a comprehensive and clear work, avoiding technicalities of philosophy or dogma and concentrating on the problem of assisting all those who wish to devote themselves to the path of spiritual growth.

Talks with Christ and His Teachers – Through the Psychic Gift of Elwood Babbitt
by Charles Hapgood
One of the world’s few full trance mediums, Elwood Babbitt, brings you in this book direct conversations with the spirit of Christ, discussing and clarifying his teachings and the facts of his life.

Wings of Despair
by Elwood Babbitt
In Wings of Despair, the memories of World War II are recounted through the eyes of a gifted clairvoyant, Elwood Babbitt.

Perfect Health – Accept No Substitutes
by Elwood Babbitt
For the first time ever, the world’s most respected names in the medical and scientific communities speak through trance-medium Elwood Babbitt addressing health and lifestyle issues critical to today’s society.
The information provided on this website should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this site. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well being.